LES ELFES : Compte Rendu | |
| Rustor Erumelgos Prince de Gar Thulion - Maître du Conseil Elfique
Nombre de messages : 1167 Age : 34 Localisation : Dans mes pensées....
~ GRIMOIRE ~ -: Elfe -: -:
| Sam 7 Avr 2007 - 18:59 | | Voici un petit récapitulatif de la situation des elfes en terre du millieu à l'heure actuelle.
Un peu d'histoire. 1-Le départ à ValinorAprès la guerre de l'anneau, la majorité des elfes quittèrent Arda, seuls demeurèrent quelques habitants pour entretenir les vestiges elfiques.Nombre de seigneurs elfiques puissant préfèrèrent se rendre à Minas Tirith.On pense à Echtelion,ancien capitaine de la fontaine tenu pour mort et qui ne faisait rien pour être vu;Rustor,Arminas et Gelmir, seigneur d'Angrod etc...D'autres restèrent dans leurs villes pour succèder à leur père etc...(Thranduil en forêt noire, Legolas en Ithilien,Elladan et Elrohir à Imaldris) 2-A la mort d'AragornIl etait difficile d'imaginer comment la mort d'un simple mortel allait à ce point chambouler les Immortels.Tandis que Legolas quittait Arda avec Gimli, Rustor, Arminas,Gelmir et Echtlion créèrent une confrérie ayant pour but de protéger les habitants d'Arda contre des ennemis trop puissant et surtout de maintenir tradition et ouvrags elfiques. De son coté Earwen la fille du défunt Roi et d'Arwen pris le chemin avec sa suite de la Lorien pour succéder à Galadrielle. 3-Le retour du RoiDes rumeurs insistantes parvinrent aux oreilles des elfes de tout Arda et selon certain même en Valinor.Ces rumeurs annoncaient le retour d'un Roi pour les elfes, le retour du grand Ecthelion. Seigneur de Gondolin, il était tombé comme Glorfindel lors du siège de la ville mais avait reçu comme lui la grâce de Mandos. Aussi errait t'il depuis des années sans vraiment se dévoiler. Nombreux furent les elfes qui firent le voyage inverse pour aider Echtelion. Les royaumes elfiques connaissent un grand essor et la population des derniers elfes sur Arda à crut. 4-Une ombre persistanteCependant, une ombre naquit dans le nord, en forêt noire. Persuadé que les elfes devaient dominer le monde, les renégats se rassemblait pour détruire les royaume elfiques réfractaires. Piégé, nombre de grands seigneurs elfiques tombèrent alors. Ecthelion dut se retirer en Valinor, Thranduil tomba de même que Erestor. Rustor mena son armée contre les ennemis du Rohan puis rejoignit Gar Thulion, une antique et mystérieuse cité d'un autre âge. 5- La riposteDécidé à mettre fin à la rebellion, Rustor rassembla une immense armée prête à marcher sur la forêt noire. Il fut rejoint par son frère envoyé des valars. La victoire fut difficile, mais rendue possible notament par le biais du Nauglamir qui sema la discorde dans le coeur des ennemis. Mais ce n'était que le commencement . |
| | | Rustor Erumelgos Prince de Gar Thulion - Maître du Conseil Elfique
Nombre de messages : 1167 Age : 34 Localisation : Dans mes pensées....
~ GRIMOIRE ~ -: Elfe -: -:
| Lun 9 Avr 2007 - 12:40 | |
Les forces en présence
Fondcombe,Elladan Elrohir et les septs capitaines.A fondcombe depuis le départ à la fin de la guerre de l'anneau d'Elrond les jumeaux Elladan et Elrohir sont resté pour diriger la petite communauté. Quand Echtelion revint des ombres pour devenir roi des Elfes, septs sages anciens capitaines et conseillers d'Elrond choisirent de venir lui preter main forte.Ils amenèrent avec eux une troupe assez conséquente. Ensemble ils reformèrent le conseil d'Elrond qui fait justice chez les elfes. Armée: +/- 800 soldats en armes et 500 cavaliers.
Dernière édition par le Lun 9 Avr 2007 - 14:40, édité 1 fois |
| | | Rustor Erumelgos Prince de Gar Thulion - Maître du Conseil Elfique
Nombre de messages : 1167 Age : 34 Localisation : Dans mes pensées....
~ GRIMOIRE ~ -: Elfe -: -:
| Lun 9 Avr 2007 - 12:51 | | La lorien, Earwen et les dames de l'eauA la mort de son père la belle et immortelle fille d'Arwen choisit de remplacer Galadrielle auprès des Galadrhims qui devinrent les Earwhims. Elle lutta de nombreuse années pour maintenir la sécurité dans la foret de Lorien.En effet ses soldats étaient peu nombreux et les orques rodaient toujours plus nombreux.Sa tache fut allégée quand Galadrielle de Valinor envoya ses dames de l'eau, prétresses qui l'aidaient lors de l'utilisation de sa magie, avec nombres de soldats revétut de la grace des valars.En échange Earwen se devait d'aider Echtelion le Grand dans son oeuvre. Armée: +/- 3000 soldats en armes et 100 cavaliers. Earwen |
| | | Rustor Erumelgos Prince de Gar Thulion - Maître du Conseil Elfique
Nombre de messages : 1167 Age : 34 Localisation : Dans mes pensées....
~ GRIMOIRE ~ -: Elfe -: -:
| Lun 9 Avr 2007 - 13:05 | | La forêt noire.Depuis longtemps déjà la forêt noire n'abrite plus qu'une petite communauté d'elfes dirigé par leur roi : Thranduil. Seul le retour d'Echtelion l'a empéché de quitter arda. Malheureusement, lors d'une quête suicidaire qui vit également Ecthelion subir de graves blessures, Thranduil fut tué par les elfes renégats. Depuis lors le Seigneur Angrod a rassemblé les dernier habitants de la cité tandis que nombreux sont les guerriers de Gar Thulion qui élurent domicile dans la cité après la victoire contre les renégats. Armée: +/- 500 soldats en armes et 100 cavaliers. Thranduil. Les havres et les marins aveuglesPour éviter que n'importe qui puissent rejoindre Valinor, Ulmo le seigneur des eaux placa aux havres des marins rendu aveugle de divers manière.Ces marins sont les seuls capables de reconnaitre leur route à travers les tempetes de la mer.Ils ne peuvent dire comment se rendre à Valinor,ils peuvent juste le faire. |
| | | Rustor Erumelgos Prince de Gar Thulion - Maître du Conseil Elfique
Nombre de messages : 1167 Age : 34 Localisation : Dans mes pensées....
~ GRIMOIRE ~ -: Elfe -: -:
| Lun 9 Avr 2007 - 13:33 | | La confrérie Giltirnoth
Constituée des fidèles à la terre du millieux, la confrérie constitue le coeur de l'armée de Rustor.En effet lorsqu'il part en guerre il dispose des membres de la confrérie et des soldats que d'autres villes veulent bien lui assigner.Néamoins le général forme et à droit à tout les renfort qu'il juge nécessaire. La confrerie de Giltirnoth (l'etoile qui garde le crepuscule) fut cree par Gelmir et son frere Rustor alors que les elfes partait vers l'ouest... Gelmir et Rustor trouvait qu'il était lache et cruel d'abandonner les homme avec les erreur du passé des elfes tel les elfes noir, les armes magique corrompue etc... Il decidèrent de cree une confrerie secrete pour aider et guider les hommes dans leur destruction... De nombreux elfes rejoignirent la confrerie a Fondcombe et Elrohir vivant la aussi.Le premier a les rejoindre fut Arminas le compagnons d'arme de Gelmir.Ensuite vint Echtelion capitaine de gondolin qui partit a Tol sirion y accomplir la mission de la confrerie ou il rencontre Rei une demi-elfe amie de Rustor qui rejoignit aussi la confrerie.... Un jour alors que la confrerie patrouillait ils virent un Demi elfe faisant face a des orcs innombrable mener par Maeglin l'elfe noir...Rendu furieux par la vue de Maeglin et d'un frere de race en perils les elfes chargèrent . Gelmir se battait tel un diable face a des dizaine d'orc brandissant Gildagor son épée mais Maeglin alors qu'il battait en retraite tua le valeureux elfe d'un coup dans le dos et lui enleva Gildagor. Le demi-elfe pleura en silence avec les membre de la confrerie la perte de Gelmir.Apres il se presenta comme étant Kaldran fils d'une elfe et d'un dunedain..il rejoinit alors les rangs de Giltirnoth... Rustor choisit d'honorer son frere en prenant le nom de Rustor Gelmiroùn (le frere de gelmir devenu Gelmiron) .. Depuis la confrerie a oeuvré pour le bien et Gildagor fut retrouvé a tol sirion. Après le retour d'Echtelion au pouvoir, la confrérie revendiqua par l'intermédiaire de son grand maitre Rustor une place de choix dans les affaires elfiques.Le roi accepta et confia à Rustor son armée et donna à la confrérie un role centrale dans l'armée.
Armée:+/-500 soldats d'élites polyvalents + 500 rangers.
(tout soldat elfes peut demander à entrer dans la confrérie à Rustor par Mp) |
| | | Radamanthe Emir de Harondor - Prince d'Ithilien
Nombre de messages : 3585 Localisation : Minas Tirith
~ GRIMOIRE ~ -: Homme de Gondor -: 53 ans -:
| Ven 23 Déc 2011 - 22:54 | | Petit article de fluff concernant la relation entre la magie et les elfes, sujet toujours confus tant la magie chez Tolkien est compliquée. Je l'ai écrit dans le cadre de mon cours sur Tolkien (car oui, j'ai un cours sur Tolkien ) Par contre c'est en anglais ( et sûrement avec une ou l'autre faute, parce que j'ai plus du tout l'habitude de parler anglais depuis que je suis en Allemagne) mais je vais essayer de poster une traduction dès que j'aurai le temps (ce qui est pour je ne sais pas quand ) En attendant voici déjà le texte original (il manque la bibliographie, qui est sur mon portable, que je n'ai pas repris chez moi) - Citation :
- Introduction
This presentation will deal with the matter of Magic in the Lord of the Rings and more generally in the whole Tolkien's Legendarium. It will especially focus on the relation between Magic and the Elven race. As Magic in Tolkien's works is more subtle and complicated to define than in other Fantasy stories, the first part will attempt to clarify the notion of Magic as Tolkien perceived it. For that purpose, I will mainly use the Letters he addressed to numerous readers or relatives that had asked explanation about his books. The second part of the presentation will address more specifically the nature of Elven Magic, as even though it might be the most used form of Magic in Tolkien's writings, it is also the best example of the subtlety involved when it comes to that matter. The last part will focus on explaining the different magical powers of the Elves in Tolkien's Legendarium and especially in the Lord of the Rings, by providing and analysing examples taken from the books.
The nature of Magic in The Lord of the Rings
Tolkien found the word "magic" inappropriate but used it for lack of a better word. He admitted himself that he used the word in a confusing way (cf. Letters 293). The problem lies in the fact that there is only one word to describe all the powers that seem supernatural to ordinary people. However, it seems that there is an important distinction between the magic used by good and evil people. In the chapter "The Mirror of Galadriel ", the Elven Queen is confused about what the Hobbits call Elf "magic" and she does not approve that they use the same word for what is done by the Enemy, for instance the Nazgûl or Sauron : "For this is what your folk would call magic, I believe; though I do not understand clearly what they mean; and they seem also to use the same word of the deceits of the Enemy. " (LotR 362). Tolkien explains that the difference lies in the fact that the Enemy uses magic for the "domination of other free wills " (Letters 215 ), whereas the Elves and the Istari use it, most of the time, for good purposes. Therefore, it is not really the magic user that characterises the nature of its magic but the objectives it has. As a further explanation on this problem of motives, Scheps argues that the Good People respect the natural hierarchy and its limitations whereas the Enemy disrupt the natural order and the hierarchy of which they are supposed to be part. Even the desire for knowledge, in the sense of a better understanding of the nature and how to escape its laws, can be viewed as dangerous and evil. For instance, Sauron often corrupted people by promising them knowledge, like for the smiths of Eregion, and Saruman was diverted from his mission because he studied too much the powers of the Enemy, even if his intentions were good at the beginning. He then tried to go beyond its limitations in the hierarchy and instead to continue with his mission from the Valar, he attempted to gain the Ring for himself ( cf. Scheps 49). In more practical ways, Tolkien insists in Letter 155 that there is a difference in the tale between what is traditionally called 'magia' and 'goetia'. In the entry about "Magic" of the J.R.R. Tolkien encyclopedia, Perry defines 'magia' as normal magic as we would usually represent it most of the times, which produces real results, and 'goeteia' as the invocation of spirits to perform magic. (cf. Perry 400) Interestingly enough, Tolkien says that in contrary to the traditional definition, "magia" is not good magic, nor is 'goeteia' bad magic. In fact, both types are used by both Good and Evil People and it is always the motives that matters. In fact, 'magia' is even used "sparingly" by the elves whereas the Enemy uses it for domination and to "bulldoze both people and things" (Letters 215). It is then worth to note that the magic traditionally held as good is not the most used by the good people - 'magia' , because, as it produces real results, it is more directly in conflict with the natural order. The good people, however, use their 'magia' for beneficent motives and not for the purpose of destruction. The 'goetic' side of the bad magic is quite easy to recognise. It is the use of deceits and terror in order to subjugate the people the Enemy attempt to enslave (cf. Letters 215). The relation to spirits is relatively clear : Sauron was himself nicknamed 'The Necromancer' in The Hobbit and enslaved the Nazgûl of which only the spirits remain. The Nazgûl themselves are a good example of 'goetic' magic because a great part of their power is simply due to the aura of fear that surrounds them. In a few cases the Witch-King uses 'magia' to break things such as Frodo's sword or the doors of Minas Tirith, but Tolkien said that as their power is mainly due to terror, they are weak against the fearless people such as Elven lords. The fear they inspire is then classified as a 'goetic' deceit because it is clearly indirect magic that is still able to confuse most mortal people (cf. Letters 293). It is however more difficult to notice the use of 'goetic' magic by the good people and especially by the elves. They seem to be complete stranger to the invocation of spirits and to necromancy. This is why it is time to look a bit more precisely into what is perceived as Elven Magic.
The Magic of the Elves 1. Definition Except is some cases where some magical abilities are acquired by the use of magical items, most of the magic described in the Legendarium is an innate and internal power possessed by individuals, and this is especially true for the elves. In one of his Letters, Tolkien says of magic that "[…] it is not to be come by by lore or spells; but is in an inherent power not possessed by Men as such." (Letters 215). The fact that it is internal could be a reason to explain why the elves are rarely shown using some 'magia' type of magic and at the same time explain the 'goetic' nature of the elvish magic and why it is not false to refer to the use of spirits when talking about it. In Tolkien perception, the "[…]goetic effects [of the elves] are entirely artistic and not intended to deceive" (Letters 215). In fact, the capacities of the elves are not to be taken as devices supposed to confuse other people ( even if they can indeed bewilder normal men) but their capacities simply make everything they are doing better, more perfect than if it had been done by humans. In another letter, Tolkien explains that "[Elf] magic is Art, delivered from many of its human limitations; more effortless, more quick, more complete (product, and vision in unflawed correspondance)." (Letters 168-169). This definition shows that the way the elves see their magic is not different from the way an artist is gifted of the abilities to paint, sing or craft. Even if these skills can be trained, there is a part of it which is simply innate and therefore some people will always be better at it than others, whatever the amount of training involved is. It is something that cannot be learned as such, and it is not wisdom either, it is simply the fact that the elves are able to render what they want to achieve exactly how they intended to do it. Then, it is not false to talk about the invocation of spirits for the 'goetic' magic of the elves, because in a way their own spirit, their own nature make it possible for them to do these things, as it is a magic of dreams made real, for both serious and trivial matters (Nenyia).
2. Examples This section of the presentation will summarise a large number of instances of elven magic in the Tolkien's Legendarium and more especially in the Lord of the Rings. They will be explained in relation to the general 'supernatural' abilities of the elves. 'Supernatural' is used with caution, as we have seen in the above section, these abilities are most of the time totally natural for the elves. We will however see that even among them some characters are more gifted than others. - Healing capacities The elves are able to heal wounds without the uses of potions and far better than how humans are good at cures. They are as well able to heal themselves naturally, without any help. The art of healing is depicted first in the Lord of the Rings with the figure of Glorfindel, a very powerful elven lord. After Frodo has been wounded by a Morgul blade, he makes him feel better simply by touching him with his hand. When Glorfindel "searched the wound on Frodo's shoulder with his fingers […] Frodo felt the chill lessen in his side and arm; a little warmth crept down from his shoulder to his hand, and the pain grew easier." ( LotR 210). However, despite how powerful Glorfindel is - he defeated a Balrog and rides openly against the nine Nazgûl together -, he admits that it is not enough to save him and that only Elrond, which is "a master of healing" (LotR 221) would be able to cure him. It is unclear how Elrond managed to save Frodo but considering that even Gandalf was not very hopeful, it must clearly have been a question of elven 'magical' skills, maybe in parallel with more traditional methods. Another example would be that in The Lays of Beleriand, Lùthien, an elvish 'princess', is able to cure Beren, her lover, after he had been hit by an arrow aimed at her. She does so with her tears and a song. Lùthien seems to be a very powerful enchantress of the time, and her songs are able more than once to achieve supernatural effects (Nenyia). We will see more about the songs of power later. Self-healing is also a typical of the elves. In The Silmarillion, most of the elves are able to heal themselves, but some are also more gifted than others. This is the case of Beleg, which is able many times to heal himself. After having been "sorely wounded", he is described as a "master of healing" and "therefore he did not die, and slowly his strength returned" (Silmarillion, in Nenyia) On a side note, Tolkien said in a letter that Aragorn healing capacities are somehow magical even though he is a Man, but he notes has remote elvish origins, being even connected with Lùthien. ( cf. Letters 215).
- Prophecies Elves seem to have some knowledge of the future, possibly because of a better understanding of the Music of the Ainur which created the World. As it was the global plan for Arda and its inhabitants, this ability might have been granted by the proximity to the Valar in Valinor. However, it is worth noting that some Men are also able to make predictions, for instance Malbeth the Seer (cf . Andelin 544). The elves seem however more gifted when it comes to predictions. For instance, Glorfindel predicts the Witch-King will not fall "by the hand of man" ( LotR 1051). It is unclear how he is able to say that and whether he knows who will kill the Nazgûl, but in the end, this prediction proves to be true. Galadriel is also able to see things from the past, the present and the future with her mirror. She is also able to let people look into the mirror with the same results. This is however not quite the same as predictions, as the mirror also enables her to see the past and the present, and when looking into the future, it is not sure that the vision will really happen. We can argue that in general, the elves have a better understanding of the Fate of Middle-Earth. What Galadriel is able to make the mirror show are simply the different possibilities that may or may not come to reality. This is also the reason why Elrond says that all the people at his Council in Rivendell were somehow called there even if they all came for different reasons. He says that he was not the one who called them and that even it looks like they met by chance, there are some greater forces involved. This understanding of the fate of the world, even if it is only vague, is typical from the elves and be be related to their ability to make predictions.
- Thought transfer This ability, which is only presented once in the whole Legendarium, is not really detailed. Gandalf, Galadriel, Elrond and Celeborn are able to communicate without speaking in the chapter "Many Partings". It is said that of their talk nothing could be heard "[f]or they did not move or speak with mouth, looking from mind to mind" (LotR 985).
- Songs: Elven songs seem to carry some power, not only when it comes to healing as we saw with Lùthien but they also have some effects against the Enemy. Lùthien, once again, and perhaps is she the most powerful at singing magical songs is able to make enemies sleep at different moments of the stories, including the wolf Carcaroth and even the Vala Morgoth. Also in the Silmarillion, Finrod Felagund, an elven king, fought against Sauron while singing songs of power. It is said that " [t]he chanting swelled, Felagund fought, And all the magic and might he brought of Elvenesse into his words." (Silmarillion, in Tracy). But there are also examples of this in the Lord of the Rings, for instance, as a Black Rider had spotted Frodo, he hears the song of Gildor Inglorion and his companions that are coming in the direction and he then flees. It can be noted that the song sung by these elves was about Elbereth Gilthoniel, a Vala, the 'Queen of the Stars' and that her name is employed many times during the story, always resulting in causing fear to the enemies or restoring hope to the good people.
- Flooding of the Bruinen Elrond is able to command the water at the Ford of Bruinen with a perfect timing in order to save Frodo from the Nazgûl. This is one of the only examples of elven 'magia' throughout the stories, even if the songs of power could also fall into this category. Elrond is able to do this because he is the master of all the surrounding of Rivendell, even if it is however unclear exactly he managed to release the flood with perfect timing. His ring is responsible for his mastership upon the region, as it is a property of the elven rings, as we will see later.
- Elven items There are many examples of items of elvish craft that appear magical to the heroes when they come across them. This is another example of elvish 'goeteia' in the artistic sense of the word. They are items that seem perfectly normal to Elves but which seem magical to Men. They are simply more efficient because they were made with the innate skills of the Elves, they are imbued of the nature of the Elves. For instance, the elven cloaks turn the wearer almost invisible, yet do not deceive elves, Sam is given a rope able to untie itself, the Lembas are not made of any special nutritive component, it has special properties simply because it is elven made (Letters 293). There are however much more powerful and precious devices such as the Simarilli or the Palantíri, but all of them were made by Fëanor, the best of the elven smiths.
- The Elven Rings They are the last major elven items, not created by Sauron but by Celebrimbor, the second best elven smith. Each is associated to an element : Gandalf's Narya to Fire, Galadriel's Nenya to Water and and Elrond's Vilya to Air. They are themselves invisible, unless the wearer wants them to be seen. They were able "to enhance the natural powers of a possessor", as well as allowing "the prevention or slowing of decay, […] the preservation of what is desired or loved" (Letters 172). Therefore, one the use of the Rings is the creation of realms where everything was preserved, such as Rivendell and the Lothlórien, and they granted the power to protect these places and they seem to be able to maintain peace upon these settlements, as well as preventing them to age.
In general, Elven Magic is only seen as magic by the other people. The Elves themselves see it as natural because it is innate to their nature to be able to do such things in a more perfect way than the other races. It is rarely used to obtain real visible results in themselves but rather an artistic sense of the word, as they are able to naturally achieve things in a more efficient way that seems supernatural. It simply part of their World and even if some of them are depicted as being capable of greater deeds, they are simply more gifted than others in these particular skills.
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings. London : Harper Collins, 2007. Print.
Tokien, J.R.R. The Silmarillion. London : Allen & Unwin, 1977. Print.
Carpenter, Humphrey (ed.). The letters of J.R.R Tolkien. London : Harper Collins, 2006 Print.
Scheps, Walter. « The Fairy-tale Morality of the Lord of the Rings . » Tolkien Compass. Jared Lobdell, ed. La Salle : The Open Court, 1975 Print.
Spacks, Patricia Meyer. « Power and Meaning in The Lord of the Rings. » Tolkien and the Critics. Neil D. Isaacs and Rose A. Zimbardo, eds. Indiana : University of Notre Dame Press, 1968. Print.
Andelin, Julaire. « Prophecy.» J.R.R. Tolkien encyclopedia : scholarship and critical assessment. Michael D.C Drout (ed.), New York : Routledge, 2007 Print.
http://erikt.cts.com/tolkien/magictxt.htm |
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